Sono Month in Review | August 2018

Sono Month in Review | August 2018

Past month was full of remarkable news, events and inventions. Some significant researches have been made in the sphere of ultrasound-based diagnostics and therapy, starting from internal images of breathing babies to photoacoustic tomography.

In a daily overloaded workflow of a medical practitioner it is easy to miss some of important updates. We have gathered some of most remarkable, interesting and recent health articles and news in this post. 

University of Maryland research,

University of Maryland Scientists to Conduct First FDA Approved Study of Focused Ultrasound to Open Blood-Brain Barrier | UMMS.ORG

August 09, 2018

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the clinical trial in October 2017 after a lengthy review process. Although there are similar research studies in Canada and other countries, this was the first time the FDA approved a clinical study using this promising technology and approach. 
Within a few months, University of Maryland researchers expect to open another FDA-approved clinical trial in which newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients will undergo blood-brain barrier opening prior to treatment with standard chemotherapy, temozolomide.  



Ultrasound can improve vascular


August 21, 2018

University of Leicester animal study could help to assess disease progression and alleviate symptoms in humans.As part of the study, mice were anaesthetised and had their physiological condition closely monitored during ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound imaging is routinely used for diagnosis and monitoring of a wide range of diseases, including AAA, and can provide fast, real-time information on the ability of arteries to expand and contract with cardiac pulsation and relaxation, often referred to as arterial distension.

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Novel Biomedical Imaging System | SCIENCE DAILY

August 2018

Researchers are developing a novel biomedical imaging system that combines optical and ultrasound technology to improve diagnosis of life-threatening diseases. Photoacoustic tomography is a noninvasive technique that converts absorbed optical energy into acoustic signal. Pulsed light is sent into body tissue, creating a small increase in temperature that causes tissue to expand and create an acoustic response that can be detected by ultrasound transducer. The ultrasound data is used to visualize the tissue.


Sonosupplies prenatal Breathing

Scientists Use Ultrasound to Capture First Internal Images of Newborn Babies Breathing | ABC News

August 30, 2018

Melbourne scientists have captured internal images of premature babies breathing for the first time. The new method, which uses ultrasound, will mean doctors can rapidly diagnose lung problems in premature babies.  Researchers hope it will reduce the risk of death and disease. "What we're hoping to do with ultrasound is see if we can make these decisions sooner and more closely after birth, and therefore initiate the right therapies sooner," Dr Douglas Blank, the study's lead researcher, said.


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